Resident Evil 2 Modifications
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TIMpatch 0.8 *NECESSARY Empty TIMpatch 0.8 *NECESSARY

Post by Leon Kennedy Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:21 am

By The Mortician at Resident Evil 1 2 3.

TIMpatch 0.8

I decided to yet release another small tool that I often use myself to speed up making skins.

TIMpatch will fix a newly converted .TIM file to a ready-to-use .TIM file that
has a fixed header and palettes. Normally you would have to fix the .TIM header
and you would also have to add the additional layer palettes by hand with a hex-editor.


1. Create an image that has the following sizes 256x256, 384x256 or 512x256
and that only uses 256 colors!
2. Be sure that the whole image just uses one palette ! That means regardless
of how much layers the image has, all layers should use the same palette !
3. Convert the new .BMP image you have just created to a 8-bit .TIM file
4. Patch the .TIM file with TIMpatch

Makes a HEX-Editor for editing the .TIM file obsolete Wink


@Rapidshare <<>> @Mediafire <<>> @Megaupload

This is a very useful tool and I highly recommend it. It is a necessary modding tool.
Leon Kennedy
Leon Kennedy
R.P.D. Officer

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-10-16
Age : 38
Location : Arklay Mountains

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